Month November 2023

How to Stop Lettuce Bolting

how to stop lettuce bolting

Understanding Lettuce Bolting What is Bolting? Have you ever noticed your lettuce suddenly shooting up tall stalks, as if it’s on a growth spurt? That’s bolting. In simple terms, bolting is when lettuce, or any plant for that matter, switches…

Growing Raspberries From Bare Root

growing raspberries from bare root

Understanding Bare-Root Raspberry Plants Bare-root raspberry plants are raspberry starters that come without soil, appearing as little more than dormant canes with roots. Their popularity among garden enthusiasts boils down to a few practical reasons. They’re typically more robust, cost-effective,…

How to Grow a Lavender Hedge

how to grow a lavender hedge

Planting a Lavender Hedge – An Overview Ever considered the charm a lavender hedge can add as a beautiful edge to your garden space? Not only do these vibrant plants bring a swath of color and a cloud of delightful…